The activities of Eurotransplant are financed by the health insurance companies in the participating countries. The organization’s budget and the resulting registration fees are negotiated annually with the financiers and/or the national competent authorities.
Quality and Security Assurance
Eurotransplant has a Quality Management System (QMS) and an Information Security System (ISMS) for managing their relevant quality and security risks in a controlled way. The QMS complies to the requirements of the ISO9001-standard and the ISMS complies to the requirements of the ISO27001-standard. Both management systems are certified by DigiTrust, an accreditated certification firm, in July 2022. The certificates are valid until July 2025 and every year a surveillance-audit is conducted by DigiTrust. Both certificates demonstrate that Eurotransplant works seriously and structurally on quality and
information security and show that Eurotransplant is a reliable partner.
External audits
In order to assess the service level Eurotransplant is audited every year by the Prüfungskommission of the German Bundesärztekammer and by the Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS). These external audits are part of the agreements with the National Competent Authorities of these member states of Eurotransplant.
Internal audits
Eurotransplant performs internal audits on its different internal processes. The aim of these audits is to empower the organizational learning and to provide fact-based audit reports. The results are used as input for improvement.