Eurotransplant has a new website

Eurotransplant is very pleased to present you its new website. As you can see, we adjusted the look and feel by means of a new design.

What else did we change?

  • We created main sections for three target groups, namely Professionals, Patients and Press. In these sections, we added stories and documents which benefit the target groups
  • In the top menu we added social media icons so you can easily visit our social media channels
  • We created a section About us in which you will find general information about Eurotransplant, for example the history and timeline of Eurotransplant, the benefits of cooperation and a collection of Eurotransplant’s policies
  • In the section Statistics, you will find the monthly statistics, the recent Eurotransplant factsheet and a link to the Eurotransplant statistics library in which you can find and retrieve reports by numerous categories
  • On the homepage, we added counters which show transplantation and waiting list numbers
  • Furthermore, we added more infographics and illustrations
  • The website design is responsive which means that the characteristics of the website (such as width, alignment of data, etcetera) will get adjusted according to the width of the screen

Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding the new website, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 

Slovenia: 20 years of successful cooperation within Eurotransplant

In 2000, Slovenia joined the Eurotransplant cooperation. To celebrate this 20th anniversary a professional symposium takes place today in the University Medical Center of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Key professionals in donor and transplant medicine in Slovenia will present achievements and think about the future challenges. Peter Branger, general director of Eurotransplant, has shared his views on fruitful cooperation between Slovenia and Eurotransplant.  

Benefits of cooperation  

Through 20 years of excellent collaboration the cooperation enabled better treatment outcomes for many Slovenian patients, who benefited from a larger donor pool within Eurotransplant. Direct positive impact was seen in the rise of national donation rates, while waiting lists for transplantation became shorter. Combined transplantations became possible as well.

Eurotransplant congratulates Slovenia on this 20th anniversary and looks forward to continue the successful cooperation in the future.

Provisional Eurotransplant annual figures 2019 online

LEIDEN (the Netherlands) – January 14, 2020 – Eurotransplant announces that preliminary annual figures 2019 on waiting list, donation, organ allocation for transplantation as well as the number of transplanted patients in the Eurotransplant region, are now available online.

Last year 6,973 organs (2018: 7,401) from 2,041 deceased donors (2018: 2,159) were used for transplantation for patients on the waiting list of Eurotransplant. This is a decrease of 5,5 % compared to 2018. The year 2020 started with 13,985 patients (2019: 14,129) registered on the active waiting list for an organ transplant.

International cooperation

In 2019, 21.4 % (2018, 23.6%) of organs were exchanged between the Eurotransplant member states. Thanks to this international exchange, a suitable donor organ could be found for many patients in the different Eurotransplant member states. This specifically applies to patients in special groups such as children, patients with acute organ failure (high urgency patients) as well as patients with a complex medical background (highly immunized patients). For these special patient groups the chance of receiving a suitable organ in time is significantly higher, due to the cooperation within Eurotransplant.

Furthermore, organ exchange between eight countries within Eurotransplant ensures that donor organs that would remain unused in one country become available for patients in other countries because there is no suitable recipient for this organ in this country.

Statistics per country

Please find detailed tables and charts with key figures on waiting list, donation and transplantation, specified by organ, by country and by year (including 2019) in the online statistics library.  

Additional information

Please be aware that slight deviations in the numbers can occur when comparing Eurotransplant figures with figures provided by national organizations in Eurotransplant member states. This may be caused by differences in calculation (e.g. counting double lung transplant as one or two transplants) and times of registration (counting based on time of donation or time of transplantation). Eurotransplant only reports on utilized donors (deceased donors of which at least one organ was used for transplantation). In every table in the Eurotransplant statistics library, the precise method of counting is mentioned.

More information about figures

Questions about the annual figures 2019 can be sent to

Eurotransplant has moved to a new location

Our new visiting address:

Haagse Schouwweg 6
2332 KG Leiden
The Netherlands

Our new telephone number:

+31 71 5795 800

Our mailing address remains unchanged:

P.O. Box 2304
2301 CH Leiden
The Netherlands

Announcement change governance structure

After almost five years of discussion, adaptations and preparations, the new Eurotransplant governance structure will come into effect in January 2020.

Responsible stewardship of a foundation requires a periodically review of the governance structure: to ascertain that it still meets current obligations and best practices in non-profit governance. In 2015, the Board of Eurotransplant initiated a review of its corporate and governance structure in close cooperation with representatives of the different Eurotransplant member states. The Board’s goal is to create a governance structure and process that is responsive to Eurotransplant’s members wants and needs, serves centers and health care professionals efficiently and meets current and future challenges.

Based on this consultation the Board has developed the following new governance structure for Eurotransplant:

  • Board of Management, consisting of a General Director and a Medical Director. Almost all management tasks and responsibilities will be contributed to the Board of Management. This Board is responsible for realizing the objectives as defined in Eurotransplant’s vision and mission, for the strategy with its associated risk profile and for the social aspects of running a business that are relevant to the foundation. The new structure thus allows an efficient, effective and transparent communication and decision-making process which will be beneficial to the internal organization.
  • Supervisory Board that will supervise the Board of Management. The Supervisory Board is responsible for the appointed of the members of the Board of Management, evaluates their functioning and decides on their competence to lead the Leiden Office. The function of the Supervisory Board consists partly of supervision beforehand, namely the granting of approval, and partly afterwards. These competences have been further specified in the new Articles of Association.
  • Two Councils will be set up which have an advisory role towards the Board of Management. In the Council of Administration, representatives of the National Competent Authorities will be involved in advising on matters of finance and ICT.
  • The Council of Medicine and Science will consist of representatives of the national transplant societies, an ethicist and representatives from the transplant programs (members A who will be elected by the Assembly as laid down in the Articles of Association). The Council of Medicine and Science prepares and advices on recommendations regarding allocation and allocation development.

Certain issues, such as the accession of new member states, the annual budget and changes to the Articles of Association, require approval of the ministries of Health of the Eurotransplant member states.