Save the dates Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2021

We are pleased to announce that the virtual Eurotransplant Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday September 22, and Thursday September 23, 2021, from 16:00- 21:00 CET. Please mark your calendar and save the dates. Do not miss the opportunity to participate in our annual event. The online registration will open at the end of June. We will send you more detailed information soon.

Please find the overview of the preliminary meeting program and other information on the Annual Meeting website. Furthermore, you can receive updates on the topics and speakers through our Annual Meeting newsletters.

COVID-19 and organ donation

The recent situation regarding COVID-19 affects organ donation. All Eurotransplant countries have implemented preventive screenings policies for potential organ donors. For detailed information on the national policy, please contact the national organ procurement organization or the national competent authority:

Austria, contact: corona@gesundheitsministerium.gv@at
actual information
Belgium (and Luxembourg)
Position statement on organ procurement and organ transplantation
newsitem DSO
The Netherlands
guidelines for patients on the waiting list
guidelines for transplanted patients
guidelines on organ donation
newsletter on donation and transplant activities (Slovenian language)
COVID-19 Resources for the Donation and Transplantation Community
Webinar UNOS, AST and ESOT regarding COVID-19
Global Transplantation Covid Report March 2020


We have reset some user’s passwords

Due to unplanned maintenance on our authorisation application on Sunday, some user accounts have been reset. This was not the result of a hacking attempt or related to a cyber security incident.

The users involved have received an e-mail with a new temporary password. This password needs to be changed on first login. If you experience any problems with your login or access to applications please contact

Preliminary Eurotransplant annual figures 2020 online

Last year, 6356 organs (2019: 6981) from 1837 deceased donors (2019: 2042) were successfully allocated through Eurotransplant to patients on the waiting list. This is a decrease of 9% in transplanted organs compared to 2019. The year 2020 ended with 14020 patients (2019: 13985) active on the waiting list.

Effect of COVID-19

We’re very pleased to announce that it has been able to allocate 6356 organs under the sometimes challenging conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Undeniably, COVID-19 has had an impact on the annual figures, though it remains difficult to state to what extent this effect is. Therefore, it is difficult to make a statement regarding the influence COVID-19 had on the Eurotransplant annual figures.

International cooperation

In 2020, 21.4% (2019: 21.3%) of all allocated organs were exchanged cross-border between the Eurotransplant member states. Thanks to this international exchange, a suitable donor organ could be found for many patients in the different Eurotransplant member states. This specifically applies to patients in special groups such as children, patients with acute organ failure (high urgency patients) as well as patients with a complex medical background (highly immunized patients). Due to the international cooperation within Eurotransplant the chance of receiving a suitable organ in time, is higher for these special patient groups. Furthermore, organ exchange between eight countries within Eurotransplant ensures that donor organs that would otherwise remain unused in one country – because there is no suitable recipient for this organ in this country – become available for patients in other countries.

Statistics per country

Please find detailed tables and charts with key figures on waiting list, donation and transplantation, specified by organ, by country and by year (including 2020) in the online statistics library. Please be aware that slight deviations in the numbers can occur when comparing Eurotransplant figures with figures provided by national organizations in Eurotransplant member states. This may be caused by differences in calculation (e.g. counting double lung transplant as 1 or 2 transplants) and times of registration (counting based on time of donation or time of transplantation). Eurotransplant only reports on utilized donors (deceased donors of which at least one organ was used for transplantation). In every table in the statistics library, the precise method of counting is mentioned.

Contact details

To find out more about the figures of Eurotransplant, visit the Statistics Library. For questions, please contact us by sending an email to

First successful lung transplant with lungs of an ex-COVID-19 patient

In a world’s first, the UZ Leuven lung transplant team has performed a double lung transplant with the lungs of a donor who experienced a mild case of COVID-19 three months prior. The procedure shows that carefully selected lungs can safely be transplanted after a SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Eurotransplant congratulates UZ Leuven with this news. Read the published article in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine or the news article on the website of UZ Leuven.

The LAS calculator

Lung Allocation Score (LAS)

The Lung Allocation Score (LAS) determines the ranking order in which offers are made to patients waiting for a lung transplant. According to this allocation policy, the patient with the highest LAS will be the first one to receive the lung offer. The score is constructed from estimates of each patient’s medical urgency prior to transplantation and the probability of success after transplantation. Since the system is based on a ‘net benefit’ concept it will give priority to patients who are most urgently in need of a transplant and who are expected to receive the greatest benefit.

LAS calculator

Please note: The print button is only visible after filling out the form.

Please note: the LAS may change on a daily basis due to age. The actual LAS provided to a candidate is based on the data entered in the Thoracic Urgency Request database by the transplant center. The score produced by the LAS Calculator on this website is for your informational use only.

You can find the LAS calculator here.