Preliminary Eurotransplant annual figures 2021 online

Eurotransplant publishes the preliminary annual figures 2021 in the eight Eurotransplant countries. 

Last year, 6398 organs (20206356) from 189deceased donors (20201837) were successfully allocated through Eurotransplant to patients on the waiting list. The year 2021 ended with 13,460 patients (2020: 14,020) active on the waiting list.

Effect of COVID-19 

Eurotransplant is pleased to announce that it has been able to allocate 6398 organs under the sometimes-challenging conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has had an impact on the annual figures, though it remains difficult to state to what extent this effect is. Therefore, it is difficult to make statement regarding the influence COVID-19 had on the Eurotransplant annual figures. 

International cooperation 

In 2021, 20.9% (2020: 21.4%) of all allocated organs were exchanged cross-border between the Eurotransplant member states. Thanks to this international exchange, a suitable donor organ could be found for many patients in the different Eurotransplant member states. This specifically applies to patients in special groups such as children, patients with acute organ failure (high urgency patients) as well as patients with a complex medical background (highly immunized patients). Due to the international cooperation within Eurotransplant the chance of receiving a suitable organ in time, is higher for these special patient groups.  

Furthermore, organ exchange between eight countries within Eurotransplant ensures that donor organs that would otherwise remain unused in one country – because there is no suitable recipient for this organ in this country – become available for patients in other countries.  

Statistics per country 

Please find detailed tables and charts with key figures on waiting list, donation, and transplantation, specified by organ, by country and by year (including 2021) in the online statistics library ( Please be aware that slight deviations in the numbers can occur when comparing Eurotransplant figures with figures provided by national organizations in Eurotransplant member states. This may be caused by differences in calculation (e.g., counting double lung transplant as 1 or 2 transplants) and times of registration (counting based on time of donation or time of transplantation). Eurotransplant only reports on utilized donors (deceased donors of which at least one organ was used for transplantation). In every table in the statistics library, the precise method of counting is mentioned. 

Contact details 

To find out more about the figures of Eurotransplant, visit

For questions, please contact us by sending an email to 

Save the date: Annual Meeting 2022

We are pleased to announce the dates of the Annual Meeting 2022: September 22-23, 2022. Further information will be shared in the coming months. Please mark your calendar and save the dates of the Annual Meeting 2022. 

Throughout the year, Eurotransplant aims to connect with the ET community in various ways. The yearly in-person Winter meeting is one of them. With due regard to the current COVID-19 situation, Eurotransplant has decided to cancel the organization of the Winter Meeting 2022. The purpose of the Winter Meeting can simply not be fulfilled by organizing the event online. We will keep looking for other ways to stay connected, while still holding on to all safety measures. We will keep you updated about this via our online communication channels. 

Please visit and bookmark the website of the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting for the latest congress details and information:

Advance notice: Eurotransplant to stop using fax machine as of January 2022

As of January 1st, 2022, Eurotransplant will no longer send or receive information by fax machine. From this date, information intended for Eurotransplant can only be sent by e-mail. This is a secure way of exchanging privacy-sensitive information. Please find an overview of all relevant e-mail addresses on the member website. On this website more information can also be found on using the secure communication tool Zivver.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please send an e-mail to

Recap Annual Meeting 2021

We look back at an inspiring and educational event: the first virtual Annual Meeting. During two days, more than twenty online sessions were organized for more than 250 participants. 

One of the highlights was the announcement of the winner of the Jon van Rood award. A. Senev, MD, PhD (KU Leuven, Belgium). He received the award for research on 

Transplant glomerulopathy and antibody-mediated rejection in the absence of donor-specific HLA antibodies 

Also, General Director Peter Branger presented the voting results of the first online election of Members A of the Council of Medicine and Science. 

We would like to thank everyone who participated and/or contributed in any way to the Eurotransplant virtual Annual Meeting 2021. From Monday 27th September, the Powerpoint presentations of the online sessions can be found on the membersite under ‘Organization’, click ‘Annual Meeting’ . 

Annual Meeting 2021: Save your seat

Just a few more days until the Annual Meeting 2021 takes place and already more than 225 participants have signed up. We’re looking forward to seeing you there! Make sure to complete your registration in time.

The Eurotransplant Annual Meeting will be held online on Wednesday September 22, and Thursday September 23, 2021.

Register now

What to look forward to

During two days, more than twenty sessions will be organized. Also, join the Jon van Rood award ceremony and meet the speakers during our Meet and greet!

Full program

United in Solidarity

Solidarity is what brings us and our member states together as one. That is what makes ‘united in solidarity’ the theme of this year’s Annual Meeting. We look forward to continuing our cooperation for many years to come and we take this (first) virtual meeting as an opportunity to reflect on the past year and to connect and learn from each other once again.

Annual meeting 2021: full program available

We are pleased to inform you about the program of this year’s Annual Meeting which will take place on Wednesday September 22, and Thursday September 23. Which sessions would you like to attend? Check out the full program and register now: Full program

What to look forward to:

During two days, more than twenty sessions will be organized. A few highlights:

  • Wednesday 22 September | Kidney and Pancreas meeting
    Islet transplantation: which patient for which treatment
    Michiel Nijhoff, MD, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
  • Thursday 23 September | Tissue Typing meeting
    Why do we need high resolution HLA typing, and what are the limitations during deceased donor procedures?
    Dr. Nils Lachmann, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
  • Thursday 23 September | Thoracic meeting
    Lung transplantation in post-COVID patients: The Austrian Experience
    Prof. Dr. Konrad Hötzenecker, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Recorded sessions

Register online and you won’t miss any sessions this year. Every session during the Annual Meeting 2021 will be recorded and made accessible to watch afterwards. Get your ticket now!

Eurotransplant publishes digital Annual Report 2020

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Eurotransplant Annual Report 2020

In this edition we present the key statistics on developments in waiting list, organ donation and transplantation in all Eurotransplant member states. Furthermore, an overview is presented of the activities that took place within Eurotransplant, decisions that were made as well as the financial status.  

Detailed statistics for each organ are presented in ‘Collections’ in the Eurotransplant online statistics library.

This environmentally friendly, digital Annual Report includes clickable (web)links which makes it easy to navigate through the document. This report will only be available online and will not be distributed by post. However, a hard-copy infographic, which shows the main highlights of Eurotransplant in 2020, will be published and distributed soon.  

Best viewing experience of the digital Annual Report 2020 is guaranteed when using Acrobat Reader. Eurotransplant publishes two versions:  

  • Low resolution – minimum download time  
  • High resolution – longer download time, but higher quality of images; recommended for printing and/or enlarging  

No part of this report may be reproduced without prior permission of Eurotransplant. For permissions or request of specific images, please contact: 

Annual Meeting 2021 – Online registration now open

We are pleased to invite you to the Eurotransplant virtual Annual Meeting 2021 which will take place on Wednesday September 22, and Thursday September 23. The online registration is now open. The program set-up offers various general presentations and parallel sessions and can be found here

Call for applications Jon van Rood Award 

Applications for the ‘Eurotransplant Jon van Rood Award 2021’ can still be submitted. This award of € 2.500 is granted to a researcher from one of the Eurotransplant member states who, in the preceding two years, has published a scientific paper in the field of organ or tissue transplantation that significantly contributed to this field.

The award winner will be announced during this Annual Meeting. You can find more information on the award and application procedure on the Annual Meeting website. The deadline for submission is July 15.

Committee Jon van Rood Award 2021

The Award Committee, consisting of the chairs of the Eurotransplant organ advisory committees, will consider all proposals. Decisions of the Award Committee will be announced by the first week of September.

This year the Committee consists of the following persons:

  • Prof. Dr. Markus Guba, chair of the CoMs (chairman)
  • Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriela Berlakovich, chair of the ERAC
  • Prof. Dr. Jadranka Buturovic Ponikvar, chair of the ETEC
  • Prof. Dr. Uwe W.J. Heemann, chair of the ETKAC
  • Dr. Sebastiaan Heidt, chair of the TTAC
  • Univ. Prof. Dr. Günther Laufer, chair of the EThAC
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Margreiter, chair of the EPAC
  • Prof. Dr. Jacques Pirenne, chair of the ELIAC
  • Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Soliman, chair of the OPCC

More information about the event

Please find the overview of the meeting program and other information on the Annual Meeting website. Furthermore, you will receive updates on the topics and speakers through our Annual Meeting newsletters.