A successful Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2023

Eurotransplant looks back on a successful Annual Meeting which took place from September 28-29, 2023 in Sassenheim, the Netherlands. We had the pleasure of welcoming more than 280 attendees from Eurotransplant member countries as well as guest speakers from Spain, United States, and Türkiye sharing their best practices and research.  

One of the highlights was the announcement of the winner of the Jon van Rood award. Prof. Dr. Laurens Ceulemans received the award for research on ‘GraTEful (Graft Temperature Evaluation during Lung transplantation)’. The award was handed out by Prof. Dr. Frans Claas during the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting. 

We are glad that opportunities to exchange ideas were greatly used and many participants were actively involved in discussing new developments related to organ donation, allocation and transplantation. We thank all chairpersons and speakers for their valuable contribution and the interesting discussions.   

The PowerPoint presentations of the sessions will be listed as pdf files on the membersite under ‘Organization’, click ‘Annual Meeting’. 

As soon as the dates and venue of the Annual Meeting 2024 are known, we will publish this information on the Eurotransplant website.

signing Hungary-Eurotransplant 10 years ago

Press Release: ‘Hungary celebrates 10 years as a full member of Eurotransplant’

Budapest, June 6, 2023 – Ten years ago, Hungary became a full member of Eurotransplant, the largest European organ exchange organization. During this decade, 924 donor organs were received from abroad to benefit Hungarian patients, accounting for 24% of the total 3,922 domestic organ transplants from deceased donors.

As a result of international organ exchange, the chances of Hungarian patients obtaining organs have significantly improved. Nearly a quarter of Hungarian transplant recipients received kidneys with better immunological compatibility, or as sensitized patients, we were able to find organs specifically suitable for them more quickly. Additionally, there were patients with special urgency, including children, waiting for organs.

After joining Eurotransplant, the number of patients put on the waiting list has increased by 39%, ensuring a greater availability of transplant services and a more accurate distribution of donor organs. Kidney transplants, which were performed in the largest number, demonstrated improved immunological compatibility, leading to longer functioning of transplanted organs and a higher quality of life for patients. This translates to an additional 750 years of life gained over the past decade.

View the full press release: ‘Hungary celebrates 10 years as a full member of Eurotransplant’.

The featuring photo was taken during the official signing 10 years ago. 

Eurotransplant publishes Annual Report 2022

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Eurotransplant Annual Report 2022.

In this edition we present the key statistics on developments in waiting list, organ donation and transplantation in all Eurotransplant member states. Furthermore, an overview is presented of the activities that took place within Eurotransplant, decisions that were made as well as the financial status.

Detailed statistics for each organ are presented in ‘Collections’ in the Eurotransplant online statistics library.

The Annual Report includes clickable (web)links which make it easy to navigate through the document. This report will only be available online and will not be distributed by post. However, a hard-copy infographic, which shows the main highlights of Eurotransplant in 2022, will be published and distributed soon.

Best viewing experience of the digital Annual Report 2022 is guaranteed when using Acrobat Reader. Eurotransplant publishes two versions:

  • Low resolution – minimum download time
  • High resolution – longer download time, but higher quality of images; recommended for printing and/or enlarging

No part of this report may be reproduced without prior permission of Eurotransplant. For permissions or request of specific images, please contact:

Save the date: Annual Meeting 2023

We are pleased to announce the dates of the Annual Meeting 2023: September 28-29, 2023. The meeting will be held at Van der Valk hotel Sassenheim.  

Further information will be shared in the coming months. Please mark your calendar and save the dates of the Annual Meeting 2023.  

Please visit and bookmark the website of the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting for the latest details and information: 

Completed: Implementation Virtual Crossmatch – January 24, 2023

On Tuesday January 24, 2023, the virtual crossmatch has been implemented succesfully (R1-2023) for kidney (ETKAS and ESP), kidney+pancreas and the pancreas match (EPAS). 

Please note that after the implementation of the virtual crossmatch the HLA of all deceased donors must be reported through the new immunology web service of Eurotransplant. When a valid and approved full phenotype cannot be derived from an HML file, a lab employee is able to manually correct the donor’s full phenotype. Also, if an HML is not available, manual entry of the full phenotype must be done through the new immunology application. The immunology application has been published on the Applications page. The tutorials have been published on the Virtual Crossmatch project page

Together with the implementation of the virtual crossmatch the new HLA table will be implemented. According to the new HLA table it will be possible to enter the 11 loci:
HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DRB3/4/5, -DQB1, -DQA1, -DPA1 and -DPB1 on allelic, split, and/or broad antigen level for both HLA typing and unacceptables for the recipients. More information about the new HLA table can be found on the ETRL website.

If you have any further questions about the virtual crossmatch project, please contact us through To read more about the virtual crossmatch project, you can visit the project page on our member site.

Preliminary Eurotransplant annual figures 2022 online

LEIDEN (The Netherlands) – Eurotransplant publishes the preliminary annual figures 2022 in the eight Eurotransplant countries. Last year, 6454 organs (2021: 6398) from 1938 deceased donors (2021: 1897) were successfully allocated through Eurotransplant to patients on the waiting list. The year 2022 ended with 13,276 patients (2021: 13,460) active on the waiting list. 

International cooperation 

In 2022, 21.6% (2021: 20.9%) of all allocated organs were exchanged cross-border between the Eurotransplant member states. Thanks to this international exchange, a suitable donor organ could be found for many patients in the different Eurotransplant member states. This specifically applies to patients in special groups such as children, patients with acute organ failure (high urgency patients) as well as patients with a complex medical background (highly immunized patients). Due to the international cooperation within Eurotransplant the chance of receiving a suitable organ in time, is higher for these specific patient groups.   

Furthermore, organ exchange between eight countries within Eurotransplant ensures that donor organs that would otherwise remain unused in one country – because there is no suitable recipient for this organ in that country – become available for patients in other countries.   

Statistics per country 

Please find detailed tables and charts with key figures on waiting list, donation, and transplantation, specified by organ, by country and by year (including 2022) in the online statistics library ( 

Additional information

Please be aware that slight deviations in the numbers can occur when comparing Eurotransplant figures with figures provided by national organizations in Eurotransplant member states. This may be caused by differences in calculation (e.g., counting double lung transplant as 1 or 2 transplants) and times of registration (counting based on time of donation or time of transplantation). Eurotransplant only reports on utilized donors (deceased donors of which at least one organ was used for transplantation). In every table in the statistics library, the precise method of counting is mentioned.  

Contact details 

To find out more about the figures of Eurotransplant, visit  

For questions, please contact us via  

Looking back on the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2022

Eurotransplant looks back on a successful Annual Meeting which took place from September 22-23, 2022 in Sassenheim, the Netherlands. We had the pleasure of welcoming more than 250 attendees from Eurotransplant member countries as well as guest speakers from Spain, France, Sweden, United Kingdom and Italy sharing their best practices and research.  

One of the highlights was the announcement of the winner of the Jon van Rood award. Dr. med. Georg Györi received the award for research on ‘Optimizing risk assessment before liver transplantation’. The award was handed out by Prof. Dr. Markus Guba (Chair Council of Medicine and Science) during the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting via livestream. 

We are glad that opportunities to exchange ideas were greatly used and many participants were actively involved in discussing new developments related to organ donation, allocation and transplantation. We thank all chairpersons and speakers for their valuable contribution and the interesting discussions.   

The Powerpointpresentations of the sessions will be listed on the membersite under ‘Organization’, click ‘Annual Meeting’. As soon as the exact date and venue of the Annual Meeting 2023 are known, we will publish this information on the Eurotransplant website.

Register now for the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2022

Only three more weeks to register for the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2022. We are looking forward to seeing you at Van der Valk hotel Sassenheim on Thursday September 22, and Friday September 23, 2022. During two days, more than forty presentations will be organized.

The full program is now availabe!


Make sure to book a room at Van der Valk hotel Sassenheim before August 31, 2022 to have your stay guaranteed.

Eurotransplant publishes Annual Report 2021

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Eurotransplant Annual Report 2021

In this edition we present the key statistics on developments in waiting list, organ donation and transplantation in all Eurotransplant member states. Furthermore, an overview is presented of the activities that took place within Eurotransplant, decisions that were made as well as the financial status.  

Detailed statistics for each organ are presented in ‘Collections’ in the Eurotransplant online statistics library.

The Annual Report includes clickable (web)links which makes it easy to navigate through the document. This report will only be available online and will not be distributed by post. However, a hard-copy infographic, which shows the main highlights of Eurotransplant in 2021, will be published and distributed soon.  

Best viewing experience of the digital Annual Report 2021 is guaranteed when using Acrobat Reader. Eurotransplant publishes two versions:  

  • Low resolution – minimum download time  
  • High resolution – longer download time, but higher quality of images; recommended for printing and/or enlarging  

No part of this report may be reproduced without prior permission of Eurotransplant. For permissions or request of specific images, please contact: 

Registration Annual meeting 2022 now open

We are pleased to invite you to the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 2022 which will take place on Thursday September 22, and Friday September 23, 2022, at Van der Valk hotel Sassenheim-Leiden. It is now possible to register.

Please find the overview of the program and other information on our Annual Meeting website.


Call for applications Jon van Rood Award 

Applications for the ‘Eurotransplant Jon van Rood Award 2022’ can be submitted. This award is granted to a researcher from one of the Eurotransplant member states, who has published a scientific paper in the field of organ or tissue transplantation that significantly contributed to this field.

The award winner will be announced during this Annual Meeting. You can find more information on the award and application procedure on the Annual Meeting website. The deadline for submission is August 1st, 2022.

Winner of the Jon van Rood award 2021:
A. Senev, MD, PhD (KU Leuven, Belgium) received the award during the Online Annual Meeting 2021 for research on Transplant glomerulopathy and antibody-mediated rejection in the absence of donor-specific HLA antibodies.