Obituary, in memory of Prof. Dr. Frans Claas

Frans ClaasIt is with great sadness that we received the message about the sudden death of our dear friend and colleague Prof. Dr. Frans Claas. He passed away suddenly on Sunday, February 2, 2025, while on holiday in South Africa.

Over the years, Frans has been closely involved with our organization. He took on many different roles following in the footsteps of his mentor Prof. Dr. Jon van Rood, the founder of Eurotransplant. Frans was the founder of the Eurotransplant Reference Lab (ETRL) and took on the role of director of ETRL between 1985-2020. He even came back to Eurotransplant to serve as interim Medical Director between 2023-2024. We were very honored that Frans took on this task.

Frans worked tirelessly within the field of transplantation and immunology. He was closely involved with EFI, Europdonor (Matchis), the Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS), Eurocord, ASHI, the University of Antwerp, the University of Leiden, and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). Above all, Frans was supremely generous at sharing his knowledge and expertise worldwide and was a great believer in the strength of international collaboration.

“We will remember Frans for his special and warm personality. He had a great smile that was contagious. Frans spoke passionately about his field and was always ready to give advice or a helping hand. His dedication to transplant immunology, his expertise and passion about his field has left a lasting impression on many of us. Frans will be greatly missed.”

Our thoughts and sincere condolences extend to Frans’s wife, Ilse, and family, also to his colleagues and close friends throughout the world at this difficult time.

Preliminary Eurotransplant annual figures 2024 online 


LEIDEN (The Netherlands) – Eurotransplant publishes the preliminary annual figures 2024 in the eight Eurotransplant countries. Last year, 7150 organs (2023: 6811) from 2181 deceased donors (2023: 2079) were successfully allocated through Eurotransplant to patients on the waiting list. The year 2024 ended with 13,570 patients (2023: 13,498) active on the waiting list. 

International cooperation

In 2024, 22.5% (2023: 22.2%) of all allocated organs were exchanged cross-border between the Eurotransplant member states. Thanks to this international exchange, a suitable donor organ could be found for many patients in the different Eurotransplant member states. This specifically applies to patients in special groups such as children, patients with acute organ failure (high urgency patients) as well as patients with a complex medical background (highly immunized patients). Due to the international cooperation within Eurotransplant the chance of receiving a suitable organ in time is higher for these specific patient groups.   

Furthermore, organ exchange between eight countries within Eurotransplant ensures that donor organs that would otherwise remain unused in one country – because there is no suitable recipient for this organ in that country – become available for patients in other countries.   

Statistics per country

Please find detailed tables and charts with key figures on waiting list, donation, and transplantation, specified by organ, by country and by year (including 2024) in the online statistics library ( 

Additional information

Please be aware that slight deviations in the numbers can occur when comparing Eurotransplant figures with figures provided by national organizations in Eurotransplant member states. This may be caused by differences in calculation (e.g., counting double lung transplant as 1 or 2 transplants) and times of registration (counting based on time of donation or time of transplantation). Eurotransplant only reports on utilized donors (deceased donors of which at least one organ was used for transplantation). In every table in the statistics library, the precise method of counting is mentioned.  

Contact details

To find out more about the figures of Eurotransplant, visit  For questions, please contact us via  


In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Bojan Vrtovec (1972-2025)

Prof. dr. Bojan Vrtovec Foto UKC Ljubljana

Prof. dr. Bojan Vrtovec (Foto: UKC Ljubljana)

With sadness we received the message that Prof. Dr. Bojan Vrtovec passed away on Sunday, January 12, 2025. Bojan Vrtovec was one of the best and most respected cardiologists in Slovenia and beyond. He had been a HU auditor for Eurotransplant since 2005, and was a member of the Eurotransplant Thoracic Advisory Committee (EThAC) since 2018.

Prof. Dr. Vrtovec has devoted himself intensively to scientific research in the field of advanced heart failure and heart transplantation. For several years, he was the head of the Clinical Department of Cardiology at the University Hospital Ljubljana and the head of the Program for Advanced Heart Failure and Heart Transplantation at the Internal Medicine Clinic at the University Hospital Ljubljana. Bojan Vrtovec has cooperated excellently with Slovenia-transplant since the establishment of the institute. He has always shown significant professional support for the development of donor-transplantation activities at the clinical level.

As the official representative of the transplant center of the University Hospital Ljubljana, Bojan Vrtovec was a well-respected colleague in the Eurotransplant committees, and he will be sorely missed.

“Professor Vrtovec was more than just an outstanding doctor and scientist – he was a man who left an indelible mark on everyone who was lucky enough to work with him with his warmth, openness and dedication. He was an intellectual in the truest sense of the word – a man who, with his curiosity and constant search for truth, pushed the boundaries of science and at the same time inspired his colleagues and students. His legacy goes beyond mere medical achievements, as he promoted the holistic development of the cardiovascular scientific community in Slovenia as a mentor and thinker, which will continue to be inspired by his work and vision.”

– Prof. Dr. Ivan Kneževič, Chair of the Eurotransplant Heart Subcommittee


Our thoughts are with his family and close friends, Prof. dr. Vrtovec will not be forgotten.

Annual Meeting 2024 Lada Zibar

A successful Annual Meeting 2024

Eurotransplant looks back on a successful Annual Meeting which took place from October 10-11, 2024 in Wassenaar, the Netherlands. We had the pleasure of welcoming more than 270 attendees from Eurotransplant member countries as well as guest speakers from France, the United Kingdom, and Canada sharing their best practices and research.  

One of the highlights was the announcement of the winner of the Jon van Rood award. Prof. Dr. Rainer Blasczyk received the award for ‘Invisible Organs – Engineering Allotransplants to Overcome Rejection’. The award was handed out by Prof. Dr. Andreas Zuckermann during the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting. 

We are glad that opportunities to exchange ideas were greatly used and many participants were actively involved in discussing new developments related to organ donation, allocation and transplantation. We thank all chairpersons and speakers for their valuable contribution and the interesting discussions.   

The photo’s are now available on the Annual Meeting site. The presentations of the sessions will be listed as Pdf files on the new member site when it’s launched. 

As soon as the dates and venue of the Annual Meeting 2025 are known, we will publish this information on the Eurotransplant website.

New ETRL Director appointed

Gonca KarahanOn August 15, 2024, Gonca E. Karahan was appointed as the Director of the Eurotransplant Reference Laboratory (ETRL) and she is looking forward to this role, where she can combine her experience in the histocompatibility field with her research expertise. Currently, as a senior scientist, she leads a Dutch Kidney Foundation-funded project investigating the role of HLA-specific memory B cell detection in the immunological risk assessment of highly sensitized kidney transplant patients undergoing desensitization treatments.

Gonca E. Karahan studied biomedical sciences at Istanbul University, Turkey, graduating in 2000. She spent the next 11years at the HLA Laboratory of Istanbul Medical Faculty, where she combined patient-related work with pursuing an MSc in 2003 and a PhD in 2010 in medical biology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mahmut Carin and Prof. Dr. Fatma Oguz. Her research during this time focused on anti-HLA antibody detection in sensitized kidney transplant recipients.

In 2012, she moved to the Netherlands to further her research in immunology, joining the Transplantation Immunology Research Laboratory at the Leiden University Medical Center. As a PhD student under supervision of Dr. Sebastiaan Heidt and Prof. Dr. Frans Claas, she developed several methods for HLA-specific memory B cell detection in kidney transplant patients. After earning her PhD in immunology in 2017, she continued as a post-doctoral scientist in the same group, expanding her research to study anti-HLA antibody characteristics and alloreactive immune memory.

Announcement: New Board of Management as of October 1st, 2024

Shared on behalf of the Supervisory Board

New Board of Management as of October 1st, 2024

We are pleased to announce that a new Board of Management will be appointed within Eurotransplant as of October 1st, 2024. This decision follows a careful and extensive selection process.

Throughout this procedure, both the Council of Administration, the Council of Medicine and Science, and the Works Council have been involved. We are delighted to inform you that all councils have provided a positive recommendation regarding the appointment of the new management.

The new Board of Management will consist of the following individuals:

  • Andre Matera as General Director
  • Erwin de Buijzer as Medical Director

We have full confidence in the new executive board, with their experience and vision, to make a valuable contribution to the organization.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. D. Van Raemdonck
Chair of the Supervisory Board

Annual Report 2023

Eurotransplant publishes Annual Report 2023

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Eurotransplant Annual Report 2023.

This edition provides key statistics on developments in waiting list, organ donation and transplantation in all Eurotransplant member states. Additionally, it highlights the various activities, decisions, and financial status of Eurotransplant.

For detailed statistics on each organ, please refer to the ‘Collection’ section in the Eurotransplant online statistics library.

The Annual Report 2023 includes clickable links for easy navigation. In addition, we have published the infographic Annual Report Highlights 2023, showcasing the key findings of Eurotransplant in 2023.

Please note that reproduction of any part of this report requires prior permission from Eurotransplant. For permissions or specific image requests, please contact us at:

To ensure the best viewing experience of the Annual Report 2023, we recommend using Acrobat Reader. Eurotransplant offers two versions: a low resolution version for faster download and a high resolution version for better image quality, suitable for printing and enlarging.

Save the date: Annual Meeting 2024

We are pleased to announce the dates of the Annual Meeting 2024: October 10-11, 2024. The meeting will be held at Van der Valk hotel Wassenaar.
Please note that this is not the same location as last year.

Further information will be shared in the coming months. Don’t forget to mark your calendar and save the dates of the Annual Meeting 2024.

Please visit and bookmark the website of the Eurotransplant Annual Meeting for the latest details and information.

Obituary Professor Guy Alexandre (1934-2024)

With sadness we received the message that Professor Guy Alexandre has passed away on February 14 at the age of 89. Guy Alexandre was one of the pioneers of transplantation and closely involved in the foundation of Eurotransplant. After performing innovative studies on experimental transplantation in dogs, Guy Alexandre was from the very beginning a dedicated and active collaborator with Eurotransplant. Already in the first manual of Eurotransplant in 1968 his center, the Clinique Universitaire St. Pierre in Louvain, Belgium, was indicated as BLA (Belgium Louvain Alexandre) and it is still the identification of this transplant center at ET. Prof Alexandre was the first surgeon who introduced the concept of organ transplantation from patients after “coma dépassé”. This was 5 years before the concept of irreversible coma defining death by neurologic criteria (brain-death) was accepted by the Harvard Committee.

Next to his excellent clinical expertise, Guy Alexandre was one of the initiators of ABO incompatible transplants. Already in 1985, he published strategies to perform ABO incompatible renal transplantations showing once more his innovative vision. As a follow up of these studies, he continued research in the field of xenotransplantation after his retirement. The Eurotransplant community would like to thank Professor Alexandre for his continuous support and wishes his family all strength with this great loss.

Preliminary Eurotransplant annual figures 2023 online

LEIDEN (The Netherlands) – Eurotransplant publishes the preliminary annual figures 2023 in the eight Eurotransplant countries. Last year, 6815 organs (2022: 6454) from 2079 deceased donors (2022: 1938) were successfully allocated through Eurotransplant to patients on the waiting list. The year 2023 ended with 13,498 patients (2022: 13,276) active on the waiting list. 

International cooperation  

In 2023, 22.2% (2022: 21.6%) of all allocated organs were exchanged cross-border between the Eurotransplant member states. Thanks to this international exchange, a suitable donor organ could be found for many patients in the different Eurotransplant member states. This specifically applies to patients in special groups such as children, patients with acute organ failure (high urgency patients) as well as patients with a complex medical background (highly immunized patients). Due to the international cooperation within Eurotransplant the chance of receiving a suitable organ in time is higher for these specific patient groups.   

Furthermore, organ exchange between eight countries within Eurotransplant ensures that donor organs that would otherwise remain unused in one country – because there is no suitable recipient for this organ in that country – become available for patients in other countries.   

Statistics per country

Please find detailed tables and charts with key figures on waiting list, donation, and transplantation, specified by organ, by country and by year (including 2023) in the online statistics library ( 

Additional information

Please be aware that slight deviations in the numbers can occur when comparing Eurotransplant figures with figures provided by national organizations in Eurotransplant member states. This may be caused by differences in calculation (e.g., counting double lung transplant as 1 or 2 transplants) and times of registration (counting based on time of donation or time of transplantation). Eurotransplant only reports on utilized donors (deceased donors of which at least one organ was used for transplantation). In every table in the statistics library, the precise method of counting is mentioned.  

Contact details

To find out more about the figures of Eurotransplant, visit  For (press) questions, please contact us via