Completed: Implementation Virtual Crossmatch – January 24, 2023

On Tuesday January 24, 2023, the virtual crossmatch has been implemented succesfully (R1-2023) for kidney (ETKAS and ESP), kidney+pancreas and the pancreas match (EPAS). 

Please note that after the implementation of the virtual crossmatch the HLA of all deceased donors must be reported through the new immunology web service of Eurotransplant. When a valid and approved full phenotype cannot be derived from an HML file, a lab employee is able to manually correct the donor’s full phenotype. Also, if an HML is not available, manual entry of the full phenotype must be done through the new immunology application. The immunology application has been published on the Applications page. The tutorials have been published on the Virtual Crossmatch project page

Together with the implementation of the virtual crossmatch the new HLA table will be implemented. According to the new HLA table it will be possible to enter the 11 loci:
HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DRB3/4/5, -DQB1, -DQA1, -DPA1 and -DPB1 on allelic, split, and/or broad antigen level for both HLA typing and unacceptables for the recipients. More information about the new HLA table can be found on the ETRL website.

If you have any further questions about the virtual crossmatch project, please contact us through To read more about the virtual crossmatch project, you can visit the project page on our member site.